18 Months Old
Oh my, I am the parent of a 1 1/2 year old. Man how time has flown. I still remember when he was a helpless little baby, and depended on me for his every need. Now Derek still needs me, but each and every day he grows a little bit more independent, and I realize that one day, he will not need me for every little need. How am I coping with that? I am treasuring every moment I have with him. On the down side of that, I have been enjoying every minute of it, I have failed to take pictures of him this month. I am a picture queen, I always have a camera handy, so to realize that I have 7 pictures of this month, kinda bums me out. His new thing right now is the youtube videos of " Mother Goose Club". It has all the nursery rhymes that we grew up with, and they sing and dance with it. Derek loves it. The other big thing to hit the toddler house, Barney, that's right, this kid loves Barney, and since I did to when I was his age, that's OK. A f...