Show and Tell Tuesday: Your Momfessional Moments

Good Morning All! Today I am linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday, and today we are sharing some of our "Mommy Moments". Now some of these moments are not my proudest moments, but as a parent, sometimes you do what you have to do to get by. Too Much TV Time: Sometimes you need a break. After working all day, then cooking dinner, the last thing you want to do is play legos, or transformers. On those days, I make Micky Mouse Clubhouse sound like the best thing on the planet, so my son will sit quietly and watch it, and give me a little bit of time to relax and decompress before the bedtime routine starts. Diaper "Cleaning": Ok so there was this one time, when I had just changed his diaper, got him dressed, and not 2 seconds later, he decided to "poop". I get him undressed, to change him again, to discover a tiny pebble. What did I do, used a wipe to clean out the diaper, but not actually change the diaper. It was compet...