
Showing posts from June, 2013

My personal challenge

You CAN do it!!! I told myself  if I could make it to 1 month, I would publish a personal accomplishment! Well guess what, I made it!  Since Derek was born, I have wanted to " Get into Shape".  As each month passed, so did the dream, or idea of working out. I'd tell myself, it would be nice to be the size you were before you got pregnant at Derek's first  Birthday, but still nothing happened. Well one day that all changed, I am not sure how it happened, it just did, and I told myself, I'm doing this.  I have gained the confidence, to go out there and do it, regardless of who I see or how many people are around. For that I am so thankful.  All of a sudden, I don't care who sees me with a beat red face, or the fact that I can't run that fast. I am doing it!!                                 ...

Derek's First Haircut

At 10 months old, Derek received his first haircut. We were not sure how he was going to do, at first, but as you can see, it was time for a haircut.  Here we are, ready to go. The cutting begins, and things are going good....  Then all of a sudden, he starts getting restless, so....  if all else fails, give him a bottle. Check out my new haircut. Wow I feel better now.  Once we are back home, had a bath, and getting ready for bed, we had a new accomplishment happen.   Derek pulled himself up all by himself.  This is definitely a proud mommy moment. Until next time....

10 Months Old

Time sure does fly!  I cant believe how big he has gotten. Not only that, but I think he is going to be tall. He is in the 80% for height. It has been a slow month. Only a few accomplishments this month. He has started waving good bye! It is really cute, but he will not do it on demand, yet. A few months ago, I was getting on to him, so I told him No, and shook my head, well now he will "tell me No" all the time. You can look at him, or be talking to him, and he will start shaking his head. It is really cute, so I have tried to teach him "yes" by shaking my head up and down, well that just leads him to say"No", not what I was going for, but still super cute. We are eating semi-solid foods, and let me tell you, this kid can eat. He is such a good eater. He will eat all meals with out a fuss, then have a bottle. He is so good at eating, we all sit at the dinner table and eat supper together, even if its baby food or table food. One night we were...