10 Months Old
Time sure does fly! I cant believe how big he has gotten. Not only that, but I think he is going to be tall. He is in the 80% for height.
It has been a slow month. Only a few accomplishments this month.
He has started waving good bye! It is really cute, but he will not do it on demand, yet.
We are eating semi-solid foods, and let me tell you, this kid can eat. He is such a good eater. He will eat all meals with out a fuss, then have a bottle. He is so good at eating, we all sit at the dinner table and eat supper together, even if its baby food or table food. One night we were eating a chicken and spinach casserole and gave Derek a bite, well that was the end of baby food that night. He wanted what we were having. As for finger food, he is doing really well. I am sure he is ready for table food, and to be done with baby food, but I don't know if I am ready for that. I don't want to hold him back, but its one other thing that shows me he is growing up.
As for the sippy cup, that is proving to be harder than I thought. I can't get him to drink his formula out of it. He will drink water and juice out of it, but not formula. He will throw a fit, and not drink so I am forced to put it in a bottle so he will drink it. I would be interested in knowing how others bridged from bottle to sippy-cup, cause I feel like it is kicking my tail.
Derek with his Grandpa Rikk!
About 4 months ago we started putting Derek to bed and letting him put himself to sleep, well I am happy to announce that he has finally started putting himself to sleep, without crying!!! Now if we could get him to sleep though the night, that would be great. We did have a good spell there for a little while, where it would be 5:30 before he would wake up but, just like last time, he started teething again. That right, he is cutting his top 2 teeth. This has been an adventure, with him being fussy and cranky, which have made for some rough evenings.
He is also a mover, and changing his diaper, or clothes is such a challenge. We can't keep him still long enough do put anything on him, which makes both of us frustrated, but I guess that is just part of it.
(Note: We didn't place Derek on Hersey. They were both on the couch and
Derek just started loving on Hersey, that was all on Derek.)
Bath time
Terrorizing the dogs with the walker, then turning around and loving on them. However Buddy is still scared to death of Derek. Poor Buddy he tries so hard to stay out of his way.
Outside, we can't open the door fast enough for you to not be there waiting to go out.
Screaming, this kid can scream. He has a set of lungs. He screams when he is happy mostly, but there are a few mad screams that come along.
Loves to say Da Da, he says that all the time, but still no Ma Ma.
Until Next Time...
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