Three Things

Since I have taken a long break I feel doing three things on each of us would be a good catch up.

  •  Derek loves to tell stories, he likes to embellish every detail, and throw in a good laugh every chance he gets. He loves to incorporate current things with fiction, and it is best listening to what he will come up with. 
  • He is the kindest kid I know. He cares so much about so many things and he loves to help others. On his birthday weekend in Dallas, he saw a lady taking out the trash and he went over there and helped her pick up the trash lid, I have never been so pleased with my kiddo. 
  • We did Young Writes this year, and to witness him blossom through his creativity was so much fun. He loves to draw, color, and put his imagination on paper.

  • WOW his vocabulary has really blossomed this year. Some of our favorites are Gummy Bears are Buddy Bears/ Strawberries are Strawbobbies/ When he doesn't want to walk, he says- Picks you up.  He loves to talk, all the time and to himself. 
  • He would rather eat a banana and an apple over anything else and he loves him some oatmeal and apple juice. 
  • He is very orderly, he loves to line up his toys, make sure they are all straight, and is all about cleaning up after himself. He hates to have anything on his hands, especially food. 

  • Things are starting to slow down for me on the school front and pick up at work. With the promotion I received, my workload has grown, which is to be expected. I am up for the challenge. 
  • I now have to manage my blood pressure, as it tends to get a little high, so I am hoping after all the school crazy ends, I will be able to bring it down again and not rely on medication. My hope is to begin running/ or get active to prolong my life and preserve my heart. 
  • Spending time with my family is one of my favorite things to do right now. Summer night fun, watching movies and swimming with the boys. 

  • He is a great cook. Sometimes I feel like I have one up on him, but he is so good at creating meals and pulling things together. 
  • He is a hard worker and wants the very best for his family and everyone he meets. He has kept me going when I have wanted to quit, and if it was not for him, I would have not made it this far in life. I am so happy that he pushes me to do better each day. 
  • Ricky has a heart of gold and would do anything for his family. He loves to inspire creativity into the lives of the kids and is always looking for creative ways for them to have a good time. 

  • Well, we just love those dogs!! They are such a great addition to our family and love having them around. 
  • Hersey still likes to be mischevious, and get into a lot of things, but what would we do without him. 


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