Welcome Back!

I am back in the blogging world. Things got really busy and I had to let go of some things! I am not going to lie, it has been a tough year; between kids, school, work, life,  and maintaining a family, I have been really struggling to keep it all together.
In January I took 2 classes in an effort to finish my Master's degree by the fall. That was more of a load than I expected, and I wanted to spend extra time with my family, so I put this on pause. Oh, how I have missed it though.

Derek was struggling in Kindergarten, so I had to devote more time with him to improve his reading and writing skills. Looking on the other side of it now, I am so happy I did, as he is reading at his level, and his writing is getting better. We all want the best for our kids, and the last thing was wanted was for Derek to be behind going into the 1st Grade.  All our hard work paid off and he graduated from Kindergarten. It was a rough start, but we got through it and he is ready to start 1st grade.

As for me, an opportunity came up for me to be eligible for a position that does not come available very often, and the whole reason I began my Master's Degree in the first place, so I had to kick it in high gear and finish all my course work this summer. I got the promotion, and I will be finishing my course work this August! 



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