San Diego, CA Part 2

After a fair nights sleep, I wake up the next day in San Diego, and the moment my feet hit the floor they start screaming at me, oh they HURT.
Ricky had to be at his conference early, so I seen him off, and I began to start my day, but I was slow moving. I could not get motivated to get out of the room. Finally I made my way down stairs, and headed to Starbucks for breakfast.
After that I hopped on a bus and headed to the San Diego Zoo. Thanks to Google Maps, and my GPS I knew right where I was going and when I needed to get off the bus. It was a lifesaver. How did people travel to a new city before Google maps, LOL.
I actually got off the bus a little early, but the weather was wonderful, so I didn't mind it to bad.

 Now if you have ever heard of this zoo, you know it is a well known zoo, and it should be, it was great, and HUGE!!!
Instead of showing tons of pictures of animals, I will only show a few and move on.

I spend all day at the zoo, but was ready to get back to the room, and hang out.
I made my way back to the room, found the pool and hot tub, swam a little, then waited for Ricky to get out of conference. We ordered pizza, which was awesome, talked a little bit and went to bed.
The next day, our Anniversary, Ricky decided he would leave his conference a little early so we could spend our anniversary together in San Diego.

I decided to hang around the area, do a little bit of shopping, and wait till Ricky got out of his conference. I headed to Old Navy and found a nice pair of shoes for $12. That is a big deal because this whole trip, I have been wearing my 3 year old shoes that needed to be replaced a while back, but I loved them so much, I didn't want to part with them, but after walking so much, and my feet killing me, I was happy to replace them.The bummer part, I had already done most of the walking for the trip. Once I put on the new shoes, my feet felt 10,000 times better. Its amazing what you can do when you have a decent pair of shoes.

Once Ricky and I met up, we headed to Target, then to In and Out Burger, which was good, but I missed what the big deal was to In and Out Burger.
Later that afternoon, we made our way down to the Harbor, and we finally got to see the USS Midway, and large statue that I missed earlier that week. I was so happy and I was able to do it with my best friend.

After that we made our way to Sea Port Village, and walked around. I was able to give him a recap of some of my day, plus he was able to see some of the things I saw. After that we made our way to Dave and Busters for dinner, were we had a really nice time. If you like to play games, of all kinds, Dave and Busters is a MUST. After that, we hopped on a bus and made our way back to our room, so we could get some rest, before our early flight.
All and all San Diego was a blast, and we will definitely be returning for another vacation. There was so much I didn't get to see and do. All the more reason to come back.


  1. I've always wanted to visit the San Diego zoo!!! Did you guys see the giant panda while you were there?

  2. If you ever get a chance, go, it was great! Yes I did get to see the Panda, and the baby. It was wonderful.


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