2 Months Old

WOW time sure does go by fast!
Derek is now 2 months old!

This has been a great month, Derek is still struggling with his nights and days, but we are slowly getting it figured out. He has started to focus his eyes, smile and stick out his tongue, for a short minute! He has had a few good nights where he slept from 8pm-3am,, in return I woke up in shock that he slept that long, but was very happy for the much needed rest!


This Month was the first big overnight trip for Derek and I, we went to visit his Uncle Clint and Aunt Tara in Tulsa, OK. That was a fun trip, but it was hard for us at night since Derek had never been away from home over night, but it was nice to visit family!
Derek has started staying awake longer in the afternoon, and we finally had to move up to 0-3 month clothes, which was a sad moment for me to take away all his newborn clothes, but it is just one reminder that he is never going to be this little again!

I also had to go back to work this month. I was not looking forward to this day at all. I was one of those mothers that cried the first day back to work. I knew Derek would be ok, since I was leaving him with his grandmother, but it didn't make it any easier, never mind the fact I live 3 minutes from work! The first week was hard, I would call a few times to make sure he was ok, and go home on my lunch break! I am very lucky to be able to have my mom as a babysitter, and that she gets to spend so much time with her grandson.

Likes this month:
Tummy Time, he is getting really good at holding his head up.

Bouncy seat: his favorite seat in the house.

Outside; Like all babies, he loves to be outside, just not the bright sun.

Giraffe Music Box: this was a baby gift, that makes 4 different noises and sometimes it is the only thing that will keep him calm, or put him to sleep.

Rocking: Still one of our favorite pastimes.

Here are a few things that he just does not like:
Bottle taken away
bright lights

Until next Time.....


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