Everyday life

Looking back, I wish I would have started a blog right after Derek was born, instead I get to relive all the memories and find myself playing catch up for each post! One day I will be caught up to his actual age, but as I am writing each post, life still goes on, which leads me to my new post!

Corn casserole disaster!

I am always looking for new recipes to try and possibly move into our weekly meals! Well I found a side dish recpie for corn casserole, and thought I have got to try that, but I needed a meal to go with it! The next day I got a call for a family get together, potluck style, so I thought it would be the  perfect time to try this new recipe!
So I go to the store, get all the ingredients, so I could make it for the get together! It took 45 minutes to cook in the oven, so I knew I would be a little late for the dinner, since it was at 6 and I had a 30 minute drive, but I knew it would be worth it!
Yesterday, I rush home from work get all the ingredients together and put it in the oven, anxiously waiting to see the end result! I got everything ready, so when it comes out of the oven, I can leave! At 45 minutes it's looking so good but it's not done, so I cook it for another 5 minutes! Once the timer goes off, I open the oven, and my mouth is watering, it looks so good! As I am pulling it out of the oven, I don't anticipate the weight of the pan, and it falls face down on the floor!!!
That's right, ON THE FLOOR! I stand in shock, what seemed like 10 minutes, thinking I can't believe this just happened! That was my dish, so I scoop up this scolding, hot mess off the floor, thinking now what do I do! My first thought is well I waited this long, by golly, I am trying it, so I get me a fork, and on my hands and knees, I get a bite off the top, and let me tell you, it was good, one bite just isn't enough!
Even though my dish was not a success, the dinner was. This will be something I will be making again, with much more caution!

Until next time......


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