4 Months Old
WOW another month has passed, Derek is now 4 months old.
Things are going pretty good this month, Derek has started sleeping through the night, which we thought would never happen! He is also is getting his own personality and loves it when someone talks to him. He will coo, and smile right back at you and in his own way, he is talking back! For the first time this month I was able to get him to laugh, out loud, it was one of the best feelings, however I got so excited when he did it, that my reaction scared him, and he would not laugh after that; fortunately he has overcome that. Now he laughs all the time.
He loves to put his fingers in his mouth and suck on his thumb.
Also, this month, we went on a trip to see grandpa Rikk and family, and he did really well on the trip. We planned it around his naps, and the trip was a lot of fun! It was nice to see family that we don't get to see very often, and to be able to see Derek with his grandpa!
Grandpa Rikk
His other grandpa, Grandpa Leslie, was able to feed him cake and cool whip, and he loved it, especially since its the first food he has had other than a bottle. I was a little nervous about it until I found out that he was already on his 3rd bite. As you can tell I am one of those mom who goes by the book, and if they aren't supposed to have it, don't give it to them, which I am sure I will grow out of that mindset, but it hasn't happened yet.
This was Derek's first Thanksgiving, we were able to spend it with family and friends and eat some awesome food! It is amazing how different a holiday is once you have a child! They are more exciting because you are able to do things with them, and enjoy the first moments with them. I think the first year is really special even though they are little and can't do much!
We have also started putting him in his crib to sleep, since he was born he has had reflux, which is NO FUN, so he has been sleeping in his bouncy seat, for elevation, and my peace of mind. Now that he is getting older, he is beginning to outgrow the bouncy seat and needs room to move, so we have been trying the crib, which he isn't a fan of, but I am hoping he will have a change of heart!
Some of the Likes this Month are:
Sticking out his tongue
Bouncy seat
Tummy Time
Buddy and Hersey (the Dogs)
Chewing on anything
Activity mat
Loud noises
Not a sound sleeper
Until Next Time......
Things are going pretty good this month, Derek has started sleeping through the night, which we thought would never happen! He is also is getting his own personality and loves it when someone talks to him. He will coo, and smile right back at you and in his own way, he is talking back! For the first time this month I was able to get him to laugh, out loud, it was one of the best feelings, however I got so excited when he did it, that my reaction scared him, and he would not laugh after that; fortunately he has overcome that. Now he laughs all the time.
He loves to put his fingers in his mouth and suck on his thumb.
Also, this month, we went on a trip to see grandpa Rikk and family, and he did really well on the trip. We planned it around his naps, and the trip was a lot of fun! It was nice to see family that we don't get to see very often, and to be able to see Derek with his grandpa!
Grandpa Rikk
Grandpa Leslie
His other grandpa, Grandpa Leslie, was able to feed him cake and cool whip, and he loved it, especially since its the first food he has had other than a bottle. I was a little nervous about it until I found out that he was already on his 3rd bite. As you can tell I am one of those mom who goes by the book, and if they aren't supposed to have it, don't give it to them, which I am sure I will grow out of that mindset, but it hasn't happened yet.
This was Derek's first Thanksgiving, we were able to spend it with family and friends and eat some awesome food! It is amazing how different a holiday is once you have a child! They are more exciting because you are able to do things with them, and enjoy the first moments with them. I think the first year is really special even though they are little and can't do much!
We have also started putting him in his crib to sleep, since he was born he has had reflux, which is NO FUN, so he has been sleeping in his bouncy seat, for elevation, and my peace of mind. Now that he is getting older, he is beginning to outgrow the bouncy seat and needs room to move, so we have been trying the crib, which he isn't a fan of, but I am hoping he will have a change of heart!
Some of the Likes this Month are:
Sticking out his tongue
Bouncy seat
Tummy Time
Buddy and Hersey (the Dogs)
Chewing on anything
Activity mat
Loud noises
Not a sound sleeper
Until Next Time......
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