Baby #1 On The Way

Ricky and I knew we wanted to wait a little while before we decided to have kids! At the place we were in our lives, I knew that was the right decision! After 3 years of marriage and many fun times together as husband and wife, we decided it was time to expand our little family! Much to our surprise, 2 months later we were expecting!

Now for someone that come from a  large family, I am thinking in my head that raising kids and pregnancy was going to be awesome and a breeze! Boy was I wrong!
We got conformation on December 3, 2011 that we were going to have a baby! Shortly after that morning sickness set in! This lasted for about 14 weeks, I kept telling myself, it's not that bad, it's ok, just deal with it, but the morning, a.k.a all day sickness, just kept getting worse, and I just didn't feel good! People kept telling me it will go away, or you could have it for 9 months, and all I could think was, I am not sure how I am going to function every day if I feel like this.
After about 14 weeks, the morning sickness finally passed, and I could not be happier, I didn't realize how bad I felt, till I actually felt "normal" again! 
This is the first time we ever saw our little baby, our "peanut" as we called it, until we found out what it was!  Also don't you think it looks like a gummy bear?

One of the funniest things about this stage of a pregnancy is the wonder if it is a boy or a girl. Well Ricky and I would be happy either way, but if we had a choice, it would be a girl. Some people say, I just knew it was a boy or a girl, I was no different, I felt like I was having a girl. I talked to some other people about their morning sickness and they all had girls, so I was convinced, I was having a girl.  We went to our ultrasound, ready to get conformation that we were indeed having a girl. The very first picture is our baby sitting on a glass table, making sure we knew, he was a BOY!
That's right, much to our surprise, it was a boy, we even had the lady check again just to make sure it was a BOY!  Well you know that old saying, "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him you plan", well he was laughing at us.  The rest of the day was kinda a blur,  but we were so excited  to finally know the sex of the baby, and shocked that it was a boy!

The rest of the pregnancy was great, well except for the nights where I could not sleep due to a baby playing football all night long, or the times I had to get up to pee, every night, and the baby thinking that is play time! I think one of the best things was feeling your baby move, and realizing that you would soon be a parent to this tiny little baby, and even though you have never met this person, he holds your whole heart in the palm of his hands already. 
During the last few months of pregnancy, I knew I had gained some weight and I didn't think I looked that big, till I saw my refection while I was passing a window, and then it hit me of how "BIG" I actually was. I kept picking on Ricky saying why didn't you tell me I was so big, and being the good husband he is, all he would say was "Honey, your pregnant." I guess for him, that was probably the best. LOL

Finally Monday July 23, rolled around to, what I hoped to be my last doctor's appointment. I had been dilated to a 1 for a month and a half now, so that told me, no progress. That day, same thing, still a one. So then my doctor and I decided that I had waited long enough that I was to come in Friday night for an induction; I could not be happier. I was able to keep my cool till I walked out of the Dr's office. Once outside the nerves and anxiety set in and I was a wreck, thinking this time next week, we will have a baby!! I called Ricky, like I did after every appointment, and I just started crying, I knew the day would come, but that day was here. So we talked and just focused on the idea of holding our precious baby boy, within a week. That was probably the best feeling in the world, and what got me though the final days of pregnancy. The last week we made our final preparations for our baby, and patiently waited for the day when we could bring our baby boy home!
Until next time.....


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