Derek Taylor Ray

The day was finally here, July 27, in less that 24 hours we would be in the hospital, getting ready to meet this little baby, that we have talked about for years, especially the last nine months!

We arrived at the hospital about 7:00 PM Friday night, got hooked up to all the monitors, and the wait began. About 9:00 they came in to give me the first dose of Cytotec to help me dilate. An hour passed of me listening to the monitor, that was very loud, and trying to get some sleep, so finally I had to call the nurse to ask her to turn it down! Then every time I would try to move, the baby would go off the monitor, so trying to sleep, but be still, was difficult!

Finally morning arrived, and they came to check me, and with little progress, the Dr decided to break my water, at 7:30.  All morning the nurse had said I was having contractions, but I was not feeling them, so I was feeling pretty good about myself.  So for the next few hours, it was a waiting game to see if I would progress, and about 8:30 I was dilated to a 3, and I could not have the epidural till I was a 4. 
At 9:00 the contractions got worse, and I begin to feel them, and for the next hour the contractions kept coming and with every passing minute, they got worse. By 9:45, I was in so much pain, that I was ready for the Dr to let me have the epidural. I remember looking at Ricky and saying, "Go get the Dr now!" The funny thing was the Dr was waiting in the hall, waiting on me to ask for it!  So now it was time for the epidural, and I was ready, never-mind the fact that I HATE needles, but that part was not that bad at all, surprisingly! It was over quickly and I felt much better.

  After they got me back in the bed and settled, I was able to relax at bit! So from then on it was another waiting game, but I felt better and my parents had arrived so I had things to distract me!
Throughout the day they checked me and I was making progress but slowly! They stopped the PIT to see if I would labor on my own, once again with no luck! Then about 3 the Dr came in to tell me that the baby's heart rate was dropping with the PIT and that he had been watching it for the last hour! That of course concerned me, but didn't prepare me for what was said next!
Because labor was not progressing and the baby's heart rate was not doing well, the Dr. felt like something was wrong and this was the baby's way of telling the Dr. something was wrong, so the Dr. suggested that we do a C-section! At that moment, the mood changed! I started crying and said ok! The Dr. stepped out to give us a minute and all I could do was cry and look at Ricky and tell him how sorry I was that it was turning out the way it was!
Fortunately my dad was able to come and talk with me and reassure me that everything was going to be ok! Within the next 30 minutes we were in our way to surgery! It amazed me of when they say C-section, how fast they moved! Ricky and I on this other hand were terrified, and had no idea what to expect!

As I am lying on the table wondering how far along they are, I hear the Dr. count 1.... 2...... 3, that is how many times the cord was wrapped around our baby's neck and I start crying, but then I heard the cry of my son for the very first time and I was so overwhelmed with joy that our baby was finally here at 3:36 on on July 28, 2012!

After that Ricky, who never left my side since Friday night, went to be with our baby to see him and meet him! I was able to see him just for a second as they head off to the nursery!
Back in our room, me groggy from the meds, I await to meet my son! Once they brought him to me and our eyes meet, the whole world disappeared for a moment! However I wasn't feeling well from what all had happened in the last hour, and as I was holding Derek, I didn't have the strength to hold my head up and I felt terrible inside and out! I started crying and I told Ricky, I want to hold him and look at him, but I just don't feel good! The rest of the night went pretty fast with trying to breast feed and moving rooms, and having my family come see Derek, although I am not sure of how much of that I slept through and can't remember !

The next morning I was unhooked from everything and was able to get up and walk, which is what everyone told me would be the best! That afternoon, I was able to see my Dr since he delivered Derek, he was shocked to see me walking, and I just went up to him and asked if I could give him a hug, without him and his expertise of delivering babies, Our birthing story could have been much different! I told him that he saved both of us! Had I pushed, with the cord wrapped around his neck, it may not had ended well, granted I don't know how long the cord is, but thankfully we didn't have to find out! The Dr. said, he hated to do it, but I just knew something was wrong and he was right!

God was watching over us that day!

First Time I ever saw Derek!

Our Baby Boy

One Proud Daddy!

Until Next Time.......


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