3 Months Old

Can you believe Derek is 3 months old?
Well this has been an exciting month for us!

Derek has learned he has a tongue and that it is meant to be stuck out. He will do that about 10 times a day, not that I encourage him, LOL, or maybe just a little bit. Plus he has the smiling down, and I know that is his way of showing me he knows me and loves me. He also loves to chew on his fingers, once he discovered them!  I am not sure if this is early or not, but he is getting very good at holding his head up, all that tummy time, sure has paid off!

Since Derek was born, we have always been told he looks like a little man, or he has an older man face, which is apparently very cute in a baby, and I have to agree. With some of his facial expressions, he could pass for an older man in a baby's body. I have even thought about buying one of those mustache pacifiers, just to see what he would look like, but since he doenst take a pacifier, I didnt do it; however this picuture is the perfect example. What do you think?

Just like any other mom, I love to document all of Derek's first. This month was his first Halloween party. I searched for months for the right Halloween costume, and found the perfect, football costume; however knowing he would only wear it once, I could not justify the money for this one costume, so the search began again. Then Ricky decided he would like to help me on the quest for the perfect costume for Derek's first Halloween, and we found it.... Oatmeal Bear.

                                                              How cute is that!!

                           This is one of my Favorite pictures of us together!
                                                          My Little Buddy!!!!

chewing on his fingers
watching the fan
Flying through the air
activity mat

taking the bottle away
laying flat
fights sleep

Until Next Time....


  1. I love the pictures of him in his bear costume, some of my all-time favorites. We took him to your families' Halloween party and was so good. i thought that he would fuss and resist having the costume on, but he did great!


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