The 1st Month

Wow it is amazing how much your world changes as soon as you bring a baby home!
Getting to go home from the hospital was a chore, Derek had a hard time latching and the hospital would not let us go home till he ate for at least 15 minutes, after 20 minutes of trying he finally latched, the nurse was happy so she let us get ready to go home! 

Once home, we had to introduce our new addition to our dogs, that was interesting, we let the dogs sniff and investigate the new "toy" in the house, but they knew, it was not a toy and something very fragile! Then we introduced him to his new home, room by room!
The first night was a rough one, we were up every 2-3 hours, fortunately my mom stayed with us to help! The latching was not successful, so we gave up and went to a bottle, which made me feel better, knowing he was actually getting some food! The down side to that, I would spend may hours in the future attached to a pump!
The first week was rough, like all babies, he had his nights and days mixed up, so he would  sleep during the day and be awake at night. 


In the first month, I have learned his cries, I can tell when he is sleepy, hungry or have a tummy ache! It is so special because we are forming a bond, that we will grow each day, as he gets older. 

At your 1 month check up you weighed 8lbs. 14 oz!


  One of the best parts of the first month with Derek has been watching him grow, and seeing his expressions change each and every day. He is even beginning to smile at us, even though they say it is gas, I like to believe he is smiling at me, and letting me know, he loves me!

Some of his likes this month are:
Car rides: he doesn't fuss, and sometimes he will sleep, other times he just like to look around!

Like all babies, he Loves his naptime!

Bath time: for me this is one of my favorite times with him!

Boppy Pillow: he love to sit in the Boopy Pillow, and he is already trying to sit up and hold his head up!

taking pictures: he is a pro at this, I take so many pictures of him, the flash doesn't even bother him!

Rocking: This is my favorite part of the day! Realizing how special he is and how much we love him so much!

Being swaddled: This took some practice, but Daddy has gotten really good at this, and this is his favorite way to sleep!

Until Next Time.....


  1. Amazed that you can remember any of this, that month of my life was a complete blur! I just remember him sleeping a bunch and him having super weird surprises in his diaper.


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