
Showing posts from April, 2015


  Today, I am linking up with Shay , for her What's Up Wednesday. What we're eating this week: Every week we try to add a new recipe to our line up. As we were looking for new creations, we came across this. Shrimp Alfredo, and it was delicious, and so easy to make.     What I'm reading: I just finished My Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty, and although it was slow in some parts, I really enjoyed it, so this month I will be reading: What I'm reminiscing about: The day this little one was born. I can't believe he will be 3 in a few months. Where has the time gone.  What I'm looking forward to:   Need I say more?? What I'm loving: It's Spring time. I love the warm weather, sunny skies, and playing out side with Derek. What we've been up to: This month has been filled with days inside snuggling, watching Micky Mouse club, playing in puddles, and y...

Growing up too fast....

In the early days of having a newborn, the sleep derivation, early morning feeding, endless crying, from baby and mommy, to the countless diapers, I am amazed of the growth I have seen in Derek.                                                                    There is no more filling bottles, burping, and spoon feedings, but "I want Pizza", Make my Plate, Please", or "I Big Boy", as he refuses to sit on a block at the table. Instead of swaddling, and tippy-toeing out of the room, we are saying prayers, reading books, and saying "I Love you" as I turn out the light and close the door. I am no longer woken up with a foot in my face, or a knee in the bac...

Timing is everything!

After we moved here to Texarkana, I knew that we would start looking for a new church to call home. Ricky had a few things he was looking for and I had a few things I was looking for, but knew in the end, we would have to find the right fit for both of us. After 4 different churches, we finally found a church that we both liked and have been attending there every since. Not only do we feel welcome, Derek also has a great class he attends also. This morning we started a new series:  Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart, "What Now". What Now? That is a very powerful question with an amazing answer. Love one another Tell everyone you meet, that Jesus Loves them. Take any opportunity given to you, to tell them what God has done for you, and that he can do the same for them. If that wasn't amazing enough, it is up to us, to share the Good News, with our kids. It is up to us to show them the way, and to teach them all that God has to offer to each one of ...