Today, I am linking up with Shay , for her What's Up Wednesday. What we're eating this week: Every week we try to add a new recipe to our line up. As we were looking for new creations, we came across this. Shrimp Alfredo, and it was delicious, and so easy to make. What I'm reading: I just finished My Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty, and although it was slow in some parts, I really enjoyed it, so this month I will be reading: What I'm reminiscing about: The day this little one was born. I can't believe he will be 3 in a few months. Where has the time gone. What I'm looking forward to: Need I say more?? What I'm loving: It's Spring time. I love the warm weather, sunny skies, and playing out side with Derek. What we've been up to: This month has been filled with days inside snuggling, watching Micky Mouse club, playing in puddles, and y...