March Goals

Another Month has passed, and all I can say is "Whew"!

Where did the month of March go???  A lot has happened this month, as I have been settling to my new job, survived the stomach bug, and rain, rain, and more rain.  Is it Spring yet? Between all the snow and rain these past few months, I need some sunshine. I don't think I have ever been this ready for Spring, and warmer weather.

As we wrap up the month of March, lets see how I did on my goals.

1. Write a blog post at least once a week. 

2. Take more pictures of and with my family.

                                    3. Finish the book I am currently reading, and start a new book.

1. Apparently this is my weakest part. I am not sure why I am not able to type out a post every week, I guess some weeks, there isn't enough going on to talk about or by the end of the day, I am to tired to sit down and write.

2. I was able to take more pictures of Derek this month, but I was not in any of them because I was the one taking the pictures, but I managed to get in a few of them.

3. I did finish the Sara Evans series, and I have started a new book, and I am really excited to see how it ends.

 As far as my April goals, I want to continue to enjoy life. The weather is getting warmer, so I plan on spending more time outside with Derek, and look through Pintrest to see if I can find some fun activities for us  to do together.
Also another goal I have started this month is eating healthier, or no over eating on the daily amount of calories, so in additon to that, I need to focus on taking more walks with the dogs.
So there you have it.


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