I usually don't post about our weekends, but maybe I should start. This weekend was nothing special but it was great. We woke up Saturday Morning with a breakfast of champions: Donuts, and a cinnamon roll for me. After breakfast and coffee, Derek asked to go outside, and for once I said yes. Usually I am not big on going out side early in the morning with the dew on the ground, but I was this morning. I pulled out the bubble guns, and we spent hours outside blowing bubble. We were able to make some really big ones, and had a great time. Then we played fetch with the dogs, and we had a great time. After that we all came inside, and relaxed on the couch, and watched TV. After lunch Derek and I took a much needed nap, then we got up and began to do some packing. We ordered Pizza for supper, and rented the Minions movie, and I will say that I watched more of the movie than Derek did. It was really cute, and I enjoyed it, or what I saw of it. Its hard to watch a ...