Best Weekend Ever

I usually don't post about our weekends, but maybe I should start.
This weekend was nothing special but it was great.

We woke up Saturday Morning with a breakfast of champions: Donuts, and a cinnamon roll for me.
After breakfast and coffee, Derek asked to go outside, and for once I said yes. Usually I am not big on going out side early in the morning with the dew on the ground, but I was this morning. I pulled out the bubble guns, and we spent hours outside blowing bubble. We were able to make some really big ones, and had a great time. Then we played fetch with the dogs, and we had a great time.

After that we all came inside, and relaxed on the couch, and watched TV. After lunch Derek and I took a much needed nap, then we got up and began to do some packing.

We ordered Pizza for supper, and rented the Minions movie, and I will say that I watched more of the movie than Derek did. It was really cute, and I enjoyed it, or what I saw of it. Its hard to watch a kid movie, if the kid does not want to watch it.
Sunday morning, everyone was slow moving, due to the time change, and I didn't feel great, hello first trimester, so we laid around all morning. After finally convincing myself to get up and move, I was able to get a little bit of house work done, but once again we found ourselves outside. With weather in the 70s, who would not want to be outside.

We decided to skip the afternoon nap and meet some of our friends at the park, and Derek had a great time.

Derek must be going through a growth spurt because he ate a box of raisins, then asked for a sandwich, which I told him he had to wait for, only for him to come back an hour later and ask for a sandwich again. I gave him a sandwich and chips, and he ate the whole thing, without any fuss. I was shocked and amazed at the same time. We played a little bit more, had bath-time, a few minutes of TV, then it was off to bed.

This was the first night we slept without the soother, as it is eating batteries like crazy, and much to our surprise, he did really good.
I am so happy Spring is here, and I can't wait for our new journey to begin in our new house. Only 10 more days!!!


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