All the things happening lately

Its been a busy past few months, so there is a recap of what has been going on lately. September: Every year the fair comes to town and we try really hard to make a good time for the boys. This year when we planned to go, we got rained out. I had a hard time accepting the fact that the boys would miss the fair this year, so when the clouds broke for a short time, I suggested we make a run to the fair. You know what, Not my best idea. Everything was WET, and half the rides were not operating. There was a light drizzle, and after an hour it was miserable. I did what I could to make a bad situation better. Derek seems to have had a good time. Give Dylan all the water puddles, and he is good. We also have 2 missing teeth. Derek lost his two front teeth within a 2 week period, which for his was perfect since Halloween was right around the corner. He now has " vampire fangs", and he loves it. OCTOBER:...