All the things happening lately

Its been a busy past few months, so there is a recap of what has been going on lately. 

Every year the fair comes to town and we try really hard to make a good time for the boys. This year when we planned to go, we got rained out. I had a hard time accepting the fact that the boys would miss the fair this year, so when the clouds broke for a short time, I suggested we make a run to the fair. 
You know what, Not my best idea. 

Everything was WET, and half the rides were not operating. There was a light drizzle, and after an hour it was miserable. 

I did what I could to make a bad situation better. Derek seems to have had a good time. 

Give Dylan all the water puddles, and he is good. 

We also have 2 missing teeth. Derek lost his two front teeth within a 2 week period, which for his was perfect since Halloween was right around the corner. He now has " vampire fangs", and he loves it. 


At the beginning of October, we celebrated this little one's 2nd birthday. 

Dylan is rocking his Super Hero outfit, and looking super cute. 


We decorated for Halloween and the boys could not get enough of the inflatables.

They loved to sit on them, hug them, and inflate them each night. Derek took a big interest in Halloween this year. 

This also football season and there is nothing better than snuggling up with daddy to watch some football.   GO, COWBOYS!!!

I think the Williams Memorial Fall Festival has become one of my favorite fall traditions. 

Can you guess what the boys are this year?
Ash a Pokemon Trainer and Pikachu.

Derek is very much into Pokemon right now, and the costumes were perfect. 

I love that they bring out this structure every year, and I can see him grow. Getting this picture is my favorite each year. 

Dylan loving the costume. 

I love how Derek can get into character so quickly. He takes his role as a Pokemon trainer VERY seriously. 

Dylan wanted all the pumpkins, I think he touched them all and wanted to bring the home with us. 
He was heartbroken when we left empty handed. 

The weather was not great, and I didn't want to have another episode like the fair, I learned my lesson, so we came, got a few pictures, a little bit of candy, and came back home. 

We got rained out for Halloween, but that didn't stop us from dressing up and having a great time at home. 

That wraps up our September and October. I am looking forward to the holiday season, and can't wait to begin decorating with the family. 


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