11 Months Old

 WOW 11 Months old, already!!!

There no denying this kid, He looks just like me, only he's much cuter.

Derek received his first haircut this month.
He also pulled up for the first time all by himself.

He also likes to blow bubbles in his mouth. not big bubbles, just a small one, the size of his mouth. Its super cute.

Since summer time is here, we took Derek swimming for the first time in the big swimming pool and he liked it!

He has also learned how to sit, from his stomach and  basically pull up on anything. He is like our own Sampson, only with the reverse effect. We gave Derek a haircut, and he gained strength as Sampson from the Bible, lost all his strength. Apparently once he has all the weight off his head, he gained the confidence to accomplish a whole lot!

We have officially ditched the afternoon nap. He will not go down for it and he will cry the whole time he should be sleeping, and I was happy to see it go!

Once again, Derek and his sleeping. What is up with this kid, every night about 12-2 he will wake up and cry, I will go get him and put him in the bed with us. Sometimes, it isn't that bad and we all get a good night of sleep, but most nights, he will wiggle us out of the bed, which makes it really hard to sleep, and a very tired mommy. Well after a really rough night, I was so tired and ready to pull my hair out, I went to a few friends, desperate for any kind of advice or suggestions to get this child to sleep. I knew the one solution was going to come up, although I didn't want to hear it..... let him sooth himself back to sleep, without me picking him up. Sounds harmless right, HA HA, not when you know this will involve a baby crying for about an hour in the middle of the night when all you want to do is sleep. If it comes to this, I will try it, but I am praying that it doesn't!
So, I was looking for any other suggestion, and a possible explanation of why he is so wiggle.
Teething, belly ache, hungry, hot or cold, were the suggestions I got.  Well that night, as I am praying that we may get some sleep, yes I was that tired, I had to try EVERYTHING, I checked to see if he might be teething and sure enough, he is getting his third top tooth, and I am sure the 4th is close behind.
We also considered that he was wiggly because his tummy is hungry. So for 2 nights now we have been giving him oatmeal before bed, hoping this will cut down on the wiggling and maybe allow him to sleep through the night!

In conclusion to this month, I just have to say how much I love this little boy. I can't believe how big he has gotten.  He is an amazing kid, and I am so proud of him, and that I was able to welcome him into this world! He brings joy to my heart each and ever day. Can you believe that the next post will be his birthday post? WOW time sure has passed by so fast!

Alphabet Train
Babbling all the time
Loves to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy
Splashing in the baby pool

Until Next Time.........


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