14 months old

Bottle free! We started it August 30th and it has been a success and we are proud to say we are bottle free! Yay!
That was not as hard as I thought it would be! 

Sleep, that's another thing all to its self! I don't know if he will ever sleep through the night! It is defiantly not as bad as it used to be, but we still have had some really rough nights! 
I am ready to move his crib back to his room so we can have our room back but I don't know how rough that will be! Since I am not ready to do that, I have finally just given in and put him in the bed with me. The bummer part is that Ricky has to sleep on the couch. Once again I know it is not idea, but what are you going to do?

Oh the curls, I love my sons curly hair. I think they are so cute, but I know it is about time for him to get a haircut, and I will be sad to see the curls go away, and hopefully they will come back.

For the longest time Derek said bathtime, clear as day, well he will not do it any longer, and I miss that!

We have a walker. He loves to walk. I am so happy that he has finally mastered WALKING!!!

Until Next time.....


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