How do I......

How do I teach my children the ways of Christ and teach them all the things that they need to know when I am not sure how myself? As a parent do you ever have those questions, I know I sure do!
Let me explain, I know Christ as my Lord and Savior, he died on the cross for my sins, so that I could receive salvation and one day rejoice in heaven with Him, my father!
Growing up, we always attended church, every Sunday, as Catholics, I did all that you were
 "supposed to" in the catholic faith. I was Baptized at age 12, my choice and lead by God.  Then I received my first communion, then conformation! All those are happy, wonderful moments of my life that I will never regret. I am glad that I grew up in that faith.
As a young adult, I was ok with this, it was all I had known! Once I moved to college, I was able to see what all was out there in the line of faith! Now I am proud to say I have found so much faith in GOD through trials, struggles, and searching. However that has left some questions unanswered and a lot to learn.
How do I become that parent that knows what to teach their child, in what stages about GOD and who he is, when I was never taught that as a child myself?

How am I supposed to be a leader of faith, when I am still being lead and learning myself?
I have found myself searching for a Christian parenting handbook, that can show me what to teach my child at what age! 


There are so many things I want them to know and GOD is at the top of my list, but how, and when, and where?  I guess the answer to this is: Every Day, Every Moment I have, In any situation I am given!

Children learn by example, therefore I am the example for my children! Sometimes I fall short of completing the task as I didn't have that "role model" to guide me day to day as how to become a child of God, I am still learning myself! 

Recently I have been able to reconnect with God, learn a lot, receive so much more understanding about why I am here and what my purpose is here on earth, to serve him in ever opportunity I am given, and to share his word with all I meet! 

Tonight my prayer is that when it is needed that I may find the answers to all the questions above, that I may be the light my children need in this world we live in today! 
That I may be the shelter for them to stand under, when the storm gets rough, and even though I know I am not perfect, and I still have so much to learn myself, that I may be there for my children and we learn to love our God more and more each day, together.

Sometimes there are no correct answers to the questions, and sometimes the answers will come, right when they are needed. I know as I grow each and everyday, GOD will be right there with me, holding my hand, or holding me up, each and every day.

As parents, what are some of the things you use in your daily life, to help guide you, nourish you and help you be the parent and role model for your kids?


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