The Dreaded "C" Word

It's 4:30 AM and I am laying on the couch, listening to my son cry, which he has been doing for the last hour. No one in the house can sleep. I want to go pick him up; I want him to lay down and go to sleep, neither of which happened.

Why didn't I just go pick him up?

Every since I have become a parent I have heard the word "consistent" so many times. "What ever you do, make sure you are "consistent."" For me that is the most hated word. Why? Because it is SO HARD, and the one thing I have struggled with the most!

I would have loved to go and pick up my screaming child, comfort him back to sleep,and then fallen asleep myself,  but what have I gained? What did he learn? If he cries long enough he will get what he wants.  NO! I need to teach my child that there are times, that crying will not give you what you want. Plus after 2 hours of crying I felt the needed to be stronger than my 1 1/2 year old, and I needed to "win" this one. Do I feel like a winner? Not at all; I am tired, but I was "CONSISTENT!"

I think that is one of the hardest things of being a parent. Not giving in, just because it is four in the morning, and you know that the alarm will be going off soon and you will have to conquer the day, TIRED. Also having that desire to be better, and show that you can do this, and in the end,  you each have hopefully gained something. Every day will have its own challenges and I want to know that I have the strength to lead my child, but also that he has the knowledge that not everything comes to him, just because he cries.


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