Praise of the day: week 5
May 25th
Family and vacation time! We have had a great time visiting family and being able to explore, and see how Derek will interact with his cousin Carson! It makes me see that one day he will make an amazing big brother! Today I Praise God for the little precious moments!
May 26th
Derek's crib soother! What on earth would I do with out this soother. We take it EVERYWHERE! This is what get my baby to sleep every night. When the batteries are low, they are changed instantly. I dont have to break Derek of a pacifier, and sucking his thumb, but I will have to break him of this soother.

May 27th
With the hustle and bustle of everyday, sometimes we need to take a moment to thank our Savior.
Today and everyday, I Praise you, Lord, for all you have given me, and for dying on the cross, to save a sinner.
You have blessed me in so many ways, I am so happy that I know you as my Lord and Savior.

With the hustle and bustle of everyday, sometimes we need to take a moment to thank our Savior.
Today and everyday, I Praise you, Lord, for all you have given me, and for dying on the cross, to save a sinner.
You have blessed me in so many ways, I am so happy that I know you as my Lord and Savior.
May 28th
You know that moment you are driving down the road, not really paying attention to where you are going, and you are lost in thought, praying talking to GOD, and then the right song comes on the radio at the very perfect time? Isn't it awesome, how he can remind us, that he is always here with us.

May 29th
Words of Affirmation:
Every Thursday Night we go out to eat with my grandpa. Tonight we went to the Ranch House, and sat in the back, where there is a kid table that Derek can sit at and play while we wait for our food. A couple sitting close by, that I "know" noticed Derek and said Hi. After about 10 minutes of waiting for our food, the lady at the other table complemented on how great Derek was doing, by self- entertaining himself, and acting really good, and the fact that we didn't have to entertain him, or use our phone to keep him quite. Not only that, he was good the whole night and ate really good at supper. Today I am grateful, for the reminder of what I do matters, and I am doing a good job at this "parenting" thing.

Every Thursday Night we go out to eat with my grandpa. Tonight we went to the Ranch House, and sat in the back, where there is a kid table that Derek can sit at and play while we wait for our food. A couple sitting close by, that I "know" noticed Derek and said Hi. After about 10 minutes of waiting for our food, the lady at the other table complemented on how great Derek was doing, by self- entertaining himself, and acting really good, and the fact that we didn't have to entertain him, or use our phone to keep him quite. Not only that, he was good the whole night and ate really good at supper. Today I am grateful, for the reminder of what I do matters, and I am doing a good job at this "parenting" thing.
May 30th
Today I am thankful for my boss. Not only is she my boss, she is a great person, and a great friend. I am truly blessed to work with the people I do. Not only do we work well together, we care about that is going on in each others lives and they have become part of my family. A few years ago, I prayed for this, and I am so happy that God does answer prayers, and only he knows when the best time to deliver the answered prayers.

May 31st
Its the last day of the Month, YAY. WOW this posting daily for a month was rough, but I MADE IT. I was wondering a few times if I would be able to, and I did.
My last Praise the Lord post, goes to my husband. He is my Rock. I am so blessed to have someone that cares so much for his wife and his son, that he works so hard to provide for.
This one is for you, honey.
Here's to the Month of May...
This is sweet.