Daycare= Seperation Anxiety

One week after our move, and it is time to start Derek in Daycare. We knew this time would be hard, but we had no idea it would be this hard. 
Prior to his first day of daycare, I talked to the owner of the daycare to see if we could come for a visit, so he could be there, and me be with him.
They told me to come between 9-9:30, and I didn't want to be there right at 9, so we got there about 9:20, and they were outside playing.
Derek did ok, but it took him a while to leave his safe spot. About an hour later it was time to go in to get ready for lunch, and since we were not eating, I felt it best we leave.
One hour of daycare was no match for a day of daycare, and really there was no way that we could have made this easier.
The first day was hard on both of us. I really didn't know what I was doing and Derek didn't have a clue what was going on. I left him crying, as I walk to my car, crying.

This was also the week I had to be in Little Rock for work. BAD IDEA.. Derek was really fussy, and clingy, and upset all the time. He didn't know what was going on, and I was not able to explain it to him.
After talking to a few people, and getting the same response, we determined that he is struggling with SEPARATION ANXIETY. 
Not only did I feel terrible about this, and have to leave him screaming EVERY day, I was feeling like the worst parent in the world. Thoughts of quitting my job, or going to work at that very daycare crossed my mind a few times. It was a very hard week, but I kept hearing "it will get better", "it will take some time for him to get adjusted." Well I hope they are right, because right now, this sucks, and it is so hard to see your child be so scared, because he doesn't know what is going on, and you are not able to explain it to him.
I would also call the daycare to see how he was doing, and I didn't hear him in the background, so that was a plus, but he wasn't eating or sleeping, which adds a level of difficulty to the at home moments.
I want Derek to know that I am here for him no matter what, so I have made an effort to give him all of my attention, so he doesn't feel so lonely.
Friday Night as we are winding down for bed, we are playing in his Thomas tent, and he wanted me to lay with him, I asked him to go get his blanket and a pillow and I would lay with him. A few minutes later he returned, and we "camped" out in his tent. After a rough week, that was one of my favorite moments.


  1. I've been reading a lot about separation anxiety. It happens to moms AND kids! I think it's cute how you camped out together after a long week. Your family sounds like it has a lot of fun... and love too!


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