Random Stuff

Be prepared for a lot of cuteness, and a few selflies.
We had a great week, although it was hard to get back into the swing of things after our long Thanksgiving break.

It has been such a great time watching Derek grow and learn new words each and every single day. I know that daycare has a lot to do with this, and I am so grateful.  Daycare, by the way, is going great. Derek has brought home some of the cutest art projects, and that is all thanks to his teacher Sarah. Every time Derek sees one of his painting hanging on the fridge, he will run to me saying " Sarah paint." Well this weekend we made that a possibility at our house as well. We went to Hobby Lobby and got him all he would need to "paint."

 Later that night, I had on my "fuzzy" socks, and Derek went crazy, saying "socks, Socks', and I quickly came to realize that he wanted fuzzy socks also, so here he is wearing my other pair of fuzzy socks and looking proud.

 Here we are in Tulsa, eating aT Cracker Barrel, and while waiting for our food, we decided to take a selfie.
Over the weekend we put the Christmas tree up, while Derek was napping. He was thrilled to see the Christmas tree. 24 hours in, and I have already said" Don't touch the tree" about a bazillion times, and put about 10 ornaments back on the tree, that he has brought to me to "see".



  1. hes a very talanted artist lol

    arent u scared he will makea big mess???

  2. Cute photos! Isn't Hobby Lobby the best? There is so much potential for kid's activities... and mom activities too! :P


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