Life as usual
We have been pretty much enjoying life around the Ray house.
A few weekends ago, Derek went to stay the night with his grandparents, and I saw this on another blog, and thought I would give it a try. I took an old box, cut holes in the top of it, and then put a string of Chrsitmas lights through the holes. Derek Loves it. I had it in a spare room, and the other night I caught Derek trying to move it to the living room. He now calls it our, "tree", because it is sitting where our Christmas tree used to be. Every morning, this is where he eats his breakfast. He also likes for us to get in there with him, but that gets a little crowded.
Did I mention how much this child loves Chili. I was afraid he would not like, but I wanted to him to try it. He loved it. He kept saying, " I eat it all." Not only does he love some chili, we are mastering drinking out of a cup, and he is doing really good. I am so proud of him.
This kid is all boy. He loves to climb on everything. This past weekend, the weather was so nice we took Derek to the park, and he loved it. He stayed in the swing for a good 20 minutes, then decided he wanted to climb, everything. Look how brave he is, I was a nervous wreck, but I knew he needed to figure this out on his own.
This is him looking over the fence. I was outside playing with him, and was looking at something, and I looked down and say this. He is standing on the bars of his Thomas, can we say, BRAVE!!
Just last night we were playing and Derek comes into the living room, and says, I need a time out, and put him self in the corner. How cute is that.
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