Moments like this.

We have had a great weekend. Nothing big or major happened, just us hanging out as a family all weekend.
Thursday of last week I decided to take Derek to the local splash pad, knowing he would have a blast, because he loves to play with the water hose in the back yard. Once we get to the splash pad, where there was a ton of people, Derek didn't want any part of it. He did like to play in the mud puddle created from the splash pad...only my kid. We left the splash pad and headed for the swings. Derek was in his element, and I enjoyed our one on one time. As we are talking and swinging, Derek looked at me, and says "mommy, I make you happy?" In the moment, my heart stopped. Derek has no idea how happy he makes me.

The rest of the weekend consisted of Derek being the star of the show. He was in a great mood, and willing to listen, learn, and play. Saturday we watched TV, played in the water,  played cars, and my day was made. 

At one point we were in the car listening to the radio and a story came on, and they were talking about a little girl who survived a car accident and the officer began to sing her "twinkle twinkle little star" and in the moment, Derek began to sing that song to me, and tears filled my eyes.

Today and everyday my heart is full, with all the love, grace, and happenings my family fills my heart with each and everyday. 


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