Revisiting the past

This past weekend, Ricky, Derek and I decided to visit Magnolia, AR.
There isn't much to do in Magnolia, but it holds a very special place in our hearts. Magnolia is where life became real for me. It was the first time I lived on my own, and in a short amount of time, was forced to make some "big girl" decisions. Magnolia, AR helped form me into who I am today. Also this is where Ricky and I realized we needed each other in our lives, where we became engaged, and spent our first year of marriage. Look how silly we were back then.

This is also where we received our college degrees, meet life long friends and some AWESOME professors, that helped teach, and shape us into successful adults. We wanted to enter back into the building, sit in the same classroom, and relive a part of the past, but all we got what this:

The door was locked, and we were super disappointed. We were able to get a few pictures in front of the fountain, and we spend a little bit of time reminiscing about the time someone put soap in the fountain, and it formed lots of bubbles, or the time it was so cold, the fountain FROZE.

At this moment, I could almost see an 18 year old Derek standing in front of this fountain, and I got a little tear in my eye, so it was time to move on.

 I had heard that there had been a lot of changes made to the this area, and I was dying to see it. The last day I drove from this parking lot, in the distance, there was a field of cows, a fence and a gravel parking lot. Today there was this:

Two new buildings. I used to park my car where those building are now, and so of course we had to see inside.

Derek enjoyed the large dinosaur head, but not sitting in the classroom. I probably I had the same look on my face when I sat in the classroom too. After that we headed to the bell tower, and to see our blocks.

I think its really cool that we are a part of history at SAU.

 (Side note: We got married in August, and I graduated in December, and I didn't want to go though the whole name change process, since it was in my last semester.)

After that, we visited some of the popular places that were popular when we lived there, and then made our way back home. It was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. 


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