What... A Master's Degree

If you would have told me 2 years ago or even a year ago, that at this time this year, I would be going back to school to get my Masters Degree, I would have laughed in your face.
Getting my Master's Degree had only been a thought, and a very short on at that, until a few months ago, when I started working at Texas A&M.
I began talking to a few people about some of the options for a Master's Degree, realizing my potential, and how much I could do with the right materials, and begin to consider this as a reality. I kept putting it off, and making excuses to not do it, till one day I didn't have any more excuses.
Derek's birthday party was over, we were settled in Texarkana, and I had a better understanding of my job, I was out of excuses.

Last week was the start of classes, and a new beginning for myself. Even though I am only taking1 class, this is the start to something good.


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