Make The Time

The other day as I was dropping off Derek at daycare, I saw a mother dropping off her daughter, and the little girl was throwing a fit, clinging to her mom. You could tell the mother was in a rush, as she is every morning, but her response her her little one, broke my heart.  As she was pulling the girl off of her, she stated, " I don't have time for this."
By no means am I judging this mom. I have been there, and I have no idea what kind of situation or morning she has had, but it got me to thinking.
As parents, our kids will mirror what we do, in every situation, as we are the example set for them. Sometimes they just need to feel your love, or they just need that little extra attention.  Now when Derek needs "one more hug" or "one more kiss" I am going to give it to him. Kids are only little for a short amount of time, and I don't want to get caught up in the busyness of life, and miss out on his  special moments.


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