Potty Training Progress

We are Potty Trained!!! What a relief it has been, but what a journey. I have made several attempts at potty training since Derek turned 3, but me and Derek were not fully committed so we keep getting back into diapers. Every time I would buy a box of diapers I would say in my mind, "maybe this will be the last box of diapers I buy, " only for a month later, be buying more diapers. Well one weekend, Ricky had to work, and I knew I would have Derek all day, so I decided to give it a try. We made it through the whole day, and a trip to the mall with no accidents. As Sunday rolls around, I am feeling good about my progress, and by 10AM we had two accidents. By the end of the day and a few more accidents, I was done. I knew he would have to go to daycare tomorrow, and so I backed out. After talking to daycare about it, they said if we were ready, they were ready. The very next weekend, I was in " no turning back" mode. We were doing this. This is how I fe...