Gone with the Wind... Chapter 10-20

I have had a hard time getting through chapter 10-20. There is a lot of detail, on one area. In a way I can understand why it was not in the movie.
These chapters focus on Rhet, and the war. With plenty of detail on what Rhet does as a blockade runner, how he has made his fortune, and the relationship that he and Scarlet have developed. Right after the Bazaar, Scarlet's father pays her a visit, and plans to bring her home, but after a night out, he comes home to Aunt Pitty's broke and drunk, and Scarlet helps him to bed, with the agreement, that she will not tell Ma, if he lets her stay.
For the rest of the chapters, we get a clear understanding of the war, and how Rhet is able to make a lot of money by blockade running, and how he does not support the war, only the fact that he is making a lot of money from it.
Image result for gone with the wind Ashley
During these Chapters Melanie becomes pregnant during a visit from Ashley, this part is in the movie, and there are many other visits by Rhet, and we learn more details of why he isnt considered a gentleman. Scarlet, knowing this still enjoys the attention, and does not turn him away.
 It is during this time of the war that Rhet brings Scarlet the green bonnet.

Image result for gone with the wind green bonnet


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