Potty Training Progress

We are Potty Trained!!!

What a relief it has been, but what a journey. I have made several attempts at potty training since Derek turned 3, but me and Derek were not fully committed so we keep getting back into diapers. Every time I would buy a box of diapers I would say in my mind, "maybe this will be the last box of diapers I buy, " only for a month later, be buying more diapers.
Well one weekend, Ricky had to work, and I knew I would have Derek all day, so I decided to give it a try. We made it through the whole day, and a trip to the mall with no accidents. As Sunday rolls around, I am feeling good about my progress, and by 10AM we had two accidents. By the end of the day and a few more accidents, I was done. I knew he would have to go to daycare tomorrow, and so I backed out. After talking to daycare about it, they said if we were ready, they were ready. The very next weekend, I was in " no turning back" mode. We were doing this.

This is how I felt the whole weekend. For even a tinkle, Ricky and I would give candy, and do the Happy Dance.  It was going great. The following Monday morning at daycare, I am a nervous wreak. I sent 3 pairs of underwear and 4 changes of clothes. I only called once to check on him, where he had one accident. Turns out Derek did great at daycare, at home, not so much. He would have an accident twice a week.

Yes that is our story. I had noticed #2 was not happening, but as soon as we put him in a diaper for bed, without fail, it would happen. After a week or so, I pick up on clues:

That's right, my little one would hide in a closet, room, behind the couch, only to poop in his underwear. One Saturday morning after this incident, we let Derek know how disappointed we were in him, and how what he was doing was very bad. Since then, he has been all about going in the potty, and we have not had an accident since then. It also helps that we reward him with Starburst every time he goes, and this is how I feel.


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