Our Little Kicker

Over the past few months  we learned about a Little Kicker's soccer program. We quickly signed Derek up for a few reasons. We knew some of his friends would be there, and knew this would be a great opportunity for the kids to socialize and make new friends, as well as planting another root in the area where we plan to stay. It also gave us the opportunity to grow relationships with other parents with kids the same age.

Derek was ready to play soccer.

The first practice went OK.
Derek was on the team with some of his friends from daycare, but we learned  very quickly that he didn't follow directions very well. He was more concerned about kicking the ball into the net, than listening to his coaches.

As you can see, he needed to be right at the net before he would kick the ball. 

The last 2 practices went OK, although he was more interested in running around the field than actually kicking the soccer ball. He did listen to his coaches better, as they were doing their warm-ups.

At the end of the last practice they each received medles, and we were all excited to recive the medel and be done with soccer of a while.
Above all it was a good experience, and I think Derek had a lot of fun. It was hard at times, but something we will not forget.


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