Weekend recap and pregnancy update

I typically don't do a weekend recap, but I am trying to become a better blogger and since I knew this weekend had some fun moments I figured it was a good time to start. This past week was the first week of class, it feels like it took forever for Friday to arrive, And I was so thankful it was finally here. After waiting for over a month and a half, we finally got our air conditioner fixed. About 2 months ago we begin to notice that the house was not cooling like it should be, so we had it check out, just to discover that the unit was over working and not cooling properly! After many hot days and uncomfortable nights, we once again have a working AC. We didn't do much Friday night! We had some playtime in Derek's room and decided it would be more fun to play on the bed without the mattress. Then Derek decided that he needed to take a bath so he could play with all his Paw Patrol characters. Saturday morning was filled with a pancake breakfast and wat...