SuperHero Party Weekend Recap

Superhero Party Success!
This past weekend we celebrated Derek's 4 birthday party, and it was awesome!

Our fun weekend started out on Friday Morning, when we meet up with my brother and sister-in-law for breakfast. Since they live 5 hours away, we don't get to see them that much, so it was a real treat to spend the whole weekend with them.  Since they are not in town much we spent a lot of time trying out new places to eat and activities to do. They even introduced us to place we had not been before, so that was really cool. We spent the whole day hanging out with them, while Derek enjoyed playing with his cousins.

On Saturday, we meet up with the gang to eat breakfast, then it was party prep all the way. I felt confident that I had all my ducks in a row, and just needed to finalize a few last minute things. I felt like I  was too prepare with what little bit I had left to do for the party. We were able to set up the church at 12, so I arrived at 12:25 and much to my surprise, no one was at the church to let us in, and I didn't have a contact number. I wait a little longer, and realized no one was going to show, as they forgot about our party. PANIC!!! What do I do now, I don't have enough room at our house for a party, in an HOUR. That's right, we had 1 hour to come up with a backup plan, set up, and redirect guest.  In the middle of this, we are using Facebook to try to get any contact with the church that we could. I was messaging anyone I could think of, and so was Ricky. Finally at 1:10, we were able to get a hold of someone, and the church was unlocked.
Now to set up in 45 minutes, no pressure!!

 Thanks to the help of my whole family, we were set up and ready as we could be at 2:00.
Time to Party:
 Capes and Super Hero mask worked perfect for the superhero party and made great party favors.

Super Sandwiches, Captain America Fruit tray and Thor's Cheese Hammers make for a great snack. 

Every super hero needs a Super Awesome Hero cake.

We also thought it would be fun for the kids to decorate their capes with fun shapes, even though most of the shapes ended up on the face and hands. 

Watch out World, we have Super Heroes in the making. 

My favorite super hero enjoying some cake. 

I made this cityscape and it worked perfect for our photo booth. 
Derek and his favorite cousin, Carson.

Derek just loves hanging out with Ben and Ryan.

Super Heroes saving the world, one day at a time. 

The party ended great, and I think everyone had a great time.
After the party we came back to our house, set up the trampoline for the boys to play with.
After a little bit of rest time, we set out of dinner, and visited with family.

 Sunday was spent lounging around the house, letting the boys play, while we soaked each other as much as we could. We were sad to see everyone leave, but had a great time while they were down.

Birthday Party Weekend is in the books, and I feel like it was the best party yet.  364 days, till we do it again.


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