Weekend recap and pregnancy update

I typically don't do a weekend recap, but I am trying to become a better blogger and since I knew this weekend had some fun moments I figured it was a good time to start. 

 This past week was the first week of class, it feels like it took forever for Friday to arrive, And I was so thankful it was finally here. After waiting for over a month and a half, we finally got our air conditioner fixed. About 2 months ago we begin to notice that the house was not cooling like it should be, so we had it check out, just to discover that the unit was over working and not cooling  properly! After many hot days and uncomfortable nights, we once again have a working AC. 

We didn't do much Friday night! We had some playtime in Derek's room and decided it would be more fun to play on the bed without the mattress. 

Then Derek decided that he needed to take a bath so he could play with all his Paw Patrol characters. 

Saturday morning was filled with a pancake breakfast and watching Tv until it was time to head to DeQuen for a baby shower. My cousin Katie is expecting her first child, and it was great to be able to shower her with gifts for her new arrival! 

That night we ate supper and watched Tv, and since Derek didn't have a nap that day it was an early bedtime. 

During this pregnancy I have experienced a lot of differences and hiccups have been very common recently, as well as different aches and pains. I don't remember feeling so tired and uncomfortable with Derek. However with this pregnancy, I am experiencing upper and lower back pains, baby hiccups almost every day, and a ton of movement. I am pretty sure this baby is in the opposite position Derek was, as I feel him move a lot more. 
It really is a blessing to be able to carry life inside of you, and I am trying really hard to enjoy these moments as I know they are for a short time. 

Saturday night Derek was pretty restless, so we didn't get much sleep, so Sunday turned into a lazy Sunday with little activity. 
Then that afternoon we meet up with a friend from daycare for a play date, and the boys had the best time. 

Derek talks about Ben Richie all the time, and it made his day that he was able to spend time with Ben Richie outside of daycare. 
I really hope this is the start of a really long friendship between these boys.

After play time, we came home and since it was so close to bedtime, Derek took his first shower, with the help from daddy, of course! He seemed to like it, and I am hopping he will want to take showers more often. 
The rest of the night consisted of watching TV and bedtime stories. 

Hope everyone else's weekend was a great one as well. 


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