Weekend recap

Here is a look at our great weekend:
On Friday my co-workers surprised us with a baby shower, to help us welcome D.J. Ray, with a music theme. How awesome is this! I have some creative people in my office. They even went as far as providing the thing I have been craving the most: Root Beer Floats.

How awesome are these decorations. They were hand made. I wish I had an ounce of this creativity.

This toy chest was hand made, and crafted for our sweet Dylan.

We were really blessed with some awesome gifts to help us welcome Dylan.

Earlier that week, our department was challenged to compete in a chili cook off, so I volunteered our chili recipe we use at home, not realizing this made me head chef.
Bright and early Saturday morning I run around town getting everything needed for the chili cookoff, and since I had never been in a chili cookoff, I was kinda excited. I was pretty sure we would not win, I was looking forward to the experience and spending time with my co-workers outside of the office. 

 The competition began at noon and we had 3 hours to prep and cook our chili. Each member of the team was responsible for certain aspects of the cooking process, and with everyone running late, and the gas stove not cooperating, we got off to a rocky start.
Fortunally we got everything going and cooking and by 1:00 the chili was simmering, and I felt like it came together really well.
It was chili time, so we took some photos and decorated our table. 

For the competition, we were required to make 3 gallons of chili, so what did I do, tripled the recipe. That makes sense right? We had so much chili, and by the end of the day, we were the only booth that still had chili to give out. Some teams had a crock pot full, while we had a 10 gallon pot, half full of chili. I guess you could say I over estimated.
 Judging began at 3:00, and it was time to serve the judges. I felt that our chili was pretty good and that we had a chance of placing in the competition.

Being 38 weeks pregnant, by the time the judging came around I was so ready to be done. I was so tired and almost didn't wait around for the announcement of the winners. I was hot, tied and DONE!
However, I am so glad I did stick around because we WON! I could not believe it, but we won the competition. It was the best feeling in the world. What a Day!!
We made the front page of our workplace newsletter.

As for Sunday, you could find me on the couch, I was worn out form the day before, so I rested on the couch, secretly hopping yesterdays activities would jump start labor. 


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