Stressful day

Today was a busy day. We started the day with taking Dylan up to the college to show him off to everyone. I used this day as a trial run to see what time I need to get up when I have to start going into work! Surprising it's going to have to be 6am for me! This will give me enough time to shower, eat, get myself ready, and still have enough time to wake Dylan up and feed him before I leave. 
I knew having two kids would be tough, but I think I underestimated the toughness. The good news is, we will figure it out. Plus it's only part time so I will be Home around noon and can take a nap. 

That afternoon we had to make our first trip to DeQueen. Ricky's uncle passed away and we had to attend the funeral. I have been very nervous about a DeQueen trip since Dylan was born. With the car ride and breastfeeding and all, I was not sure how it would work! 
Once we got into the car, Dylan begins to scream, but only for a few minutes as he feel asleep! That was the best part of the day. Once we arrive in DeQueen and the funeral begins to start, baby gets hungry, so I head to the car to feed him. This untimely starts an afternoon of cluster feeding, about every hour.  Between moving from place to place, and trying to take care of my children, I became very anxious. As we start to headed home, I am praying that Dylan will go to sleep for the hour car ride. 
He sleeps for about 30 minutes then looses it. Nothing is worse than having you baby crying in the back and not able to do anything. We decided to stop in Ashdown so I can feed Dylan and get something to eat myself. We sat in McDonald's parking lot and ate. 
We finally made it home, and I am not sure who was more happy me or Dylan. 
For all the times I was not able to comfort him, I was so happy to be able to sit with Dylan at home and snuggle. It was a good end to a very stressful day! 


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