
Showing posts from 2017

Recap of the last month

WOW, where has the time gone? This last month has been crazy busy and hectic at work, plus I am taking a class, so all my free time, wait what free time...... I am back online, for an overview of all things that happened this past month. Dylan turned 13 months old and is finding his courage to take a few steps, but he isn't walking yet. Here is our 13-month-old. He can say nanna for Banana and will eat one every day if you let him. He can also say Mamma, Dadda, nigh nigh and wave bye-bye. He has 4 teeth and working on two more top teeth. Right before Thanksgiving Derek got really sick, well I say really sick, it was a 48-hour thing, but for Derek, it was really sick. Due to his fever being high, we decided to take him to the ER, which wasn't the best idea, but we felt like we needed to keep him safe. This trip reminded me why I HATE hospitals. but my kids come first and always will. The next day we stayed home from school and work, just to make sure he was feelin...

All About Dylan

Since we just celebrated this little one's first birthday, I thought it would be fitting to do an All about Dylan post. How is he one, we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday? Dylan has 5 teeth, and he does not teeth very well. It takes him a long time to cut teeth, and they always bother him. Dylan is a great sleeper. He has some tough nights, mostly when he is teething, but for the most part, he is awesome. Dylan loves to cuddle before bed, and we still do our nightly routine, and he has no problem going to bed. Dylan has fully grown into the name of Dill Pickle or Pickle. Sometimes I will call him Dylan, but mostly it is Pickle, and it's really cute and fits him. The best part is that he answers to Pickle. He may have issues when he is older. LOL, You always plan what you are going to name and call your kids, but then sometimes something else comes up, and it sticks.  Dylan is very curious, and fearless. If he wants it or is interested ...

Life Lately

Here is what is going on at our house this past week. We had picture day at school, and I could not resist snapping a few pictures before they left. Derek had a very good week at daycare, so we promised him he could have a new toy at the end of the week. He has wanted "big Woody" for a while and he finally got him. They have been inseparable ever since. I mean, when did he get to be so grown up? He looks 10 in this picture. Then you have this little guy, and I don't even know how to feel. He is so handsome here. I can't wait to see how their official picture come out. Any day now I expect him to stand up, and just take off walking. I am a little late in getting this Blog up, so I have the official pictures to share, and they are adorable.  Now take a look at this picture above. I swear these two are twins. This is Ricky at maybe 14 or 15 months old, and they look the exact same.  We also have our first loose tooth....

Dylan Turns ONE

How are we celebrating this little one's 1st birthday??  It doesn't seem possible.  As I was taking pictures for his invitation, I got some really cute shots of Dylan.  How Precious is the little Pickle?  We decided to keep it very low key this year. Turning 1 is a big deal, but mostly to family, aka.  Mom and Dad, so we invite the grandparents over to celebrate Dylan's first year of life.  RIght before Derek turned one, I made this banner and kept it for our second one to use it for their first-year pictures.  I love seeing them grow in pictures.  Our attempt at a mommy and me picture.   His big brother was so helpful, even though he was there for the cake.  He loved his cake.  Present time.  Dylan, we are so happy you are here with us. You make our family complete. 

Life Lately

We are staying busy. Dylan is on the move and he recently started crawling on all fours, instead of scooting everywhere. He is cutting his 5th tooth, and it has been bothering him a lot here lately. We took Derek to the Renaissance Faire this past weekend, and he was made an official Knight. He also got to ride his very first horse/ unicorn. Dylan got to swing at the park for the first time, and he really enjoyed it. The other night I was holding Dylan while he drank his bottle, and was just observing how big he has gotten so fast. Dylan has been a great baby, and I can't believe he will be ONE in two short weeks. Where has this past year gone? Derek also got to try out Jiu-Jitsu, and he did really good for his first day. My whole world in one picture. My heart is so full!

Life Lately

We have kicked up some dust, and been out and about. Here is a look at some of our recent activities. We got creative with our SnapChat: We headed to the Four States Fair, and Derek had a Blast!  Sliding with Daddy!   He said the Funhouse was the best part of the Fair.  When your mom makes you stop for a minute for a selfie. Dylan loved watching all the people.  Both doing the Superman pose! Let me tell you, this kid is ALWAYS moving!   We ended the weekend with a visit to our favorite cousin's house.  Perfect life! 

11 months old

WOW Dylan is 11 months old. This kid looks just like his daddy, and there is no denying him. He has 4 teeth now and is working on his next 2, but it will still be a little while before they break the skin. Sleeping: Dylan is a really good sleeper. He has been sleeping 12 hours, but that is slowly decreasing to 11 hours, but that is still really good. I am sure I will be adjusting his sleeping routine really soon. Dylan has started to pull up, and just the other day, he pulled up all by himself.  I had to lower his crib since he is pulling up.  He still crawls everywhere, but it isn't a full crawl, and uses his upper body and scoots anywhere he wants to go. However, you put him in his walker, and he takes off. Just like Derek, he always goes for the dog bowls and will scoot them all around the house. For the most part, Dylan is a good eater, but there are some things he does not like, so I fear he will be a little bit more of a picky eater. We are starting to intro...

Weekend Getaway

Earlier this month, we celebrated our Anniversary with a weekend getaway, with the kids, to Hot Springs, AR. Hot Springs has always been special to me, as I spent many summers there as a kid with my grandparents. We would always camp at Gulpha Gorge Campground and spend hours in the creek. The creek has a "rock" bridge, where you have to jump these big rocks to get to the hiking trail and a small waterfall that we would always play in. On the other side is this bridge, with this tunnel, and as a kid, I was terrified of this tunnel. The creek isn't too deep and I always saw other kids playing in the tunnel, but I could never bring myself to go to it. Looking at it as an adult, it's not that scary. When Ricky asked me where I wanted to go, and looking at our options, we decided on Hot Springs so I would be able to share some of my childhood memories with my family. The fondest memory I have of Hot Spring is walking the Promenade and bathhouse row. ...