11 months old

WOW Dylan is 11 months old.

This kid looks just like his daddy, and there is no denying him.

He has 4 teeth now and is working on his next 2, but it will still be a little while before they break the skin.

Sleeping: Dylan is a really good sleeper. He has been sleeping 12 hours, but that is slowly decreasing to 11 hours, but that is still really good. I am sure I will be adjusting his sleeping routine really soon.

Dylan has started to pull up, and just the other day, he pulled up all by himself.  I had to lower his crib since he is pulling up.  He still crawls everywhere, but it isn't a full crawl, and uses his upper body and scoots anywhere he wants to go. However, you put him in his walker, and he takes off. Just like Derek, he always goes for the dog bowls and will scoot them all around the house.

For the most part, Dylan is a good eater, but there are some things he does not like, so I fear he will be a little bit more of a picky eater. We are starting to introduce food with little bits in it, and he is doing really good.

He has also received the nickname "Pickle". A few of the ladies at daycare call him Dyl Dyl or Dill Pickle, and well Pickle kinda stuck.

Dylan is also fearless. This kid does not know boundaries. You can place him on the bed, and he will crawl to the edge, but he will not stop there, if he sees something he wants, he will go for it. I am afraid he will be the ones we will have to keep a close eye on.

He is also very curious. He wants to be into everything, and he loves to explore.


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