Life Lately

Here is what is going on at our house this past week. We had picture day at school, and I could not resist snapping a few pictures before they left. Derek had a very good week at daycare, so we promised him he could have a new toy at the end of the week. He has wanted "big Woody" for a while and he finally got him. They have been inseparable ever since.

I mean, when did he get to be so grown up? He looks 10 in this picture.

Then you have this little guy, and I don't even know how to feel. He is so handsome here. I can't wait to see how their official picture come out.

Any day now I expect him to stand up, and just take off walking.

I am a little late in getting this Blog up, so I have the official pictures to share, and they are adorable.

 Now take a look at this picture above.
I swear these two are twins. This is Ricky at maybe 14 or 15 months old, and they look the exact same.

 We also have our first loose tooth.  On a Thursday night, as we are eating supper, Derek begins to scream that something was hurting in his mouth, and after looking we realized he had 2 loose teeth. This kinda worried us, because it is a little early for him to be losing teeth. The next day, I scheduled him to see a Dentist and felt horrible that I had not done it sooner. The earliest we could see the dentist was that Wednesday, (great 4 days to worry me to death). When we go to pick up Derek at daycare that Friday, he has already pulled his tooth. YAY!

We finally made it to the dentist and came out with a good report. He will be one of those kids that begins to lose his teeth early. It could be because he got his bottom teeth at 6 months, but his permanent teeth are ready to come in. 

The following week we attended a trunk or treat, and the boys had a great time. Derek loves to be in character, and "Link doesn't smile for pictures" 

 Every year we take a picture in front of this chart so we can see the kids grow. It has become a yearly tradition, and I hope we are able to keep it up. 

 Dylan's first picture in front of the chart. 

Brotherly love. 

 Derek and I had some Mommy-Son time, and he really needed to take a picture with the target dog. Look at the missing tooth. 

Then you have our annual picture in front of Halloween R2D2. He was so over pictures at this point.
We didn't dress up Dylan this year, as it was a little cold, and he isn't able to much with Halloween, but next year will be a blast with both boys.
This is a few weeks into one, we had a great time.


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