Derek's funny things

The month of January has flown by, and our kids are growing up right in front of us. Derek is at such a fun age and he is saying the funniest things.
At age 4, what kid doesn't love race cars. Derek sure does. He can't get enough Lightening McQueen, and is constantly racing around the house, and the walls are an endless racetrack.

Little kids tend to make up their own words, and Derek is no exception, his race cars have tail pops, instead of tail pipes, and when the wind is blowing the "steam comes out of the tires, instead of the tail pops," so cute.

We always try to reward good behavior, so Derek knows that if he is a good boy then he will get a treat after supper, and it not just any treat, it Bessert. He also loves to eat his "surprise" later in the evening which consist of grapes with a few marshmallows.

Not matter what he is playing with or watching on TV, at that moment, it is his favorite one. If there is an episode on TV, its his favorite. If he is playing with a car, its his favorite one. If you haven't guessed, we hear that A LOT.

We recently busted out Hi-Ho Cherry-O, but Derek likes to call it High Ho Cheer-y O, and it is super cute. He loves to land on Pluto, so he can put all the cherries back, and the game isn't over till ALL the cherries are at the picnic table.

Two of his favorite past-times with Daddy are Wrestling on the bed, and playing Football on the bed.
Daddy is so fun to play with, and almost every night they have to play those 2 games. They each have their introductions to the wrestling match, and Derek is pretty good a "pinning" daddy. Then they have to move on to Football, where you toss a pillow to Derek, and he catches it, then you have to tackle him. Hearing him yell "Daddy, I'm open" is priceless.

Derek is "on" all the time, and is talking non-stop, even in his sleep. He will quote half a movie, or things that we have told him, and if no one is around to listen to him, he is talking to himself.
He even loves to sing to Dylan, if he is fussy, he will run to Dylan and start signing to him, which usually calms him, and Derek is so proud of himself. He always reminds me that is he is a good helper.

Like I said, Derek loves to talk. The other night, we were hanging out in the living room, and Derek yells from his room, "hey guys, I have a problem," so we went to him to see what his problem was, and he was laying in bed, and he said, "no one is snuggling with me." We about died, and got into bed to snuggle with that sweet boy. They are only little for so long.


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