Round two

Round two:
A few weeks ago Ricky and I were visiting with some friends who have kids the same age difference as our kids. 
As we are reminiscing about good old times and how our kids are getting so big, we begin to talk about school.
This lead to the question of if we were going to put Derek into kindergarten or have him repeat Pre-K a second year. 
Ricky and I had talked about it a few months prior to this but we didn't really reach a decision, so when they asked, we didn't have a Yes or No answer. 
As we were talking about the benefits of repeating Pre-K it sounded like a good idea. As Derek would have the opportunity to be the big kid in class, and the advantage of more one on one, in a second year of Pre-K.
A few days passed, and this subject was all I could think about. I begin reading articles, gathering opinions of other moms with summer babies to see what their plan was. I followed up with prayer, to allow God to help us make this very tough decision. 
On any given day, I would bounce back and forth; Derek's not ready, this is a good idea, but then he would say or do something and make me feel like he was ready. I could never land on a solid decision.
For the next week, Ricky and I both had many discussions, did additional research, and requested the insight of his current Pre-K teacher. 
I almost had my mind made up, as I was patiently waiting for the letter from his teacher. All the signs were pointing to having him do a second round of Pre-K. When we go the letter back from his teacher, I was blown away by her response. Not only did she answer all my questions, she gave us great examples of Derek in the classroom, and how he interacts with other kids, and it was clear that the best decision for Derek was to have him do a second round of Pre-K. Knowing that it is the best decision for him, my heart is breaking. I want the best for him, but it is a tough parent decision that we have to make for his school career, so I try not to think about the negative and focus on the positive. 
I have given myself 365 extra days with him living at home. That is an extra year to have a more positive influence on him, to be able to encourage him. This will also be an opportunity for him to be a leader, and help others that are struggling. I am sad that he will not be entering into school with his current friends, but we have to do what is best for him.

Here we are today, which was supposed to be Kinder-Adventure, where you can register your kid for Kindergarten, and explore the school! I see pictures of all of Derek's friends smiling with the class of 2030 in the background, and even though I know we have made the right decision for Derek, my heart is still breaking inside. 

Derek, always know that your parents have you at the forefront of their mind in every decision we make for you. We want what is best for you, and for you to be able to reach your full potential in everything you do. This decision was not made at a moments notice, as it took us a long time to determine what was right for you. 
You are destined to do great things, and we want you to have every advantage we can give you.        
                                                                           Mom and Dad


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