8 Months Old

In 4 short months, we will be celebrating this sweet boy's 1 year birthday, and I can' wait. How is it that he is already 8 months old?

Dylan has grown so much this month.

He isn't crawling yet, but he is able to scoot anywhere he wants to.

Dylan loves to talk all the time.

Crib Training Update: This has gone great. Dylan and I have a great routine, and as mentioned in my earlier post, each night we do our routine, and most nights within 10 minutes, Dylan is asleep. On average Dylan is sleeping through the night about 5-6 nights out of the week, and I am so grateful.  Of course, there are some nights that he will wake up a few times, but he will eat, then go back to sleep. If he isn't ready to go back to sleep, I lay him in his crib, go back to bed, and he will go to sleep on his own.

Traveling: We went strawberry picking this month, which was one of the longest car rides we have taken with Dylan, and he did well. He is getting better, but I know not to test my limits.

I know he needs a haircut, but I am having a really hard time bringing myself to do it. He is so cute.

He is always smiling.

The months are passing so fast, and I can barely keep up, and the blogger app doesn't work on my phone, so this is a short post. Hopefully, next month will be better.


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