It's Christmas Time
It's Christmas time!!
Grace Place had a photographer come in and take pictures of the kids, and I requested the boys' picture be taken together, and I am so glad I did. This is a favorite that I will keep forever.

Grace Place had a photographer come in and take pictures of the kids, and I requested the boys' picture be taken together, and I am so glad I did. This is a favorite that I will keep forever.
Derek has been hit or miss on Jiu-Jitsu, as he asks if he has to go every week, and every week, we tell him that he has to go. I am going to try to not rush him so much and hopefully, that will make him more excited about going. Once he gets there, he does have a nice time, but I think he is resistant because he has a hard time listening. I think he understands some of the moves but not all of them. Time will tell how well he will do.
I think I have mastered the mantel for Christmas. I will add more as I go, but I am loving the lights and stockings hung, and at night, it is wonderful. I would like to have the fireplace going more often, but there is no circulation or blower, so the living room warms up really fast.
Grace Place had their annual Santa visit and pajama day. Derek loved it and was so happy to see Santa, but as you can see Dylan was not having any part of "Santa."
"Duckface with Santa"
We also celebrated Christman at my parent's house, and Derek found this hat, and I loved it. Doesn't he look adorable?
The kids really enjoyed opening up their presents this Christmas as well:
Derek got the best Christmas present this year, an outdoor playset. It has been too cold to play on it a lot, but look out Spring, cause we will be spending a lot of time outside.
Here is our annual Christmas picture.
Merry Christmas!!
Ricky and I took some extra time off from work, so we spent a lot of time playing Legos with the kids. Dylan loves to play in Derek's room. He also loves to destroy our lego creations.
We were sad to see Christmas go, but welcome the new year.
Here's to 2018!!
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