16 months old

It seems just like yesterday, we were celebrating you turning 1, and now you are 16 months old.

You are a very curious, walking, talking little boy.
You are always interested in what we are doing and check out everything in the house. You have to be where we are, and we are not allowed to do anything without you.

You are the cutest when you are sleeping. You love to be held and snuggle. 
Dylan cut 4 teeth this month, and it has been rough on all of us. They have not all broken the skin yet, but they are very close. 

You love to laugh, play, and give wide open mouth kisses. 
You love to watch Puppy Dog Pal with your big brother. 

Your smile can light up any room. 
You are the sweetest little one, and love to eat bananas. 

Dylan loves to play with his brother and wants to do everything his big brother does. His favorite thing to do outside is swing.

We also made the transition from bottle to sippy cup this month. It was a long road, but we finally crossed over, and he is doing really good.

Happy 16 months old, Dylan.


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