18 months old

Dylan, you are a great kid, and I am so happy to be your mamma.

You love Bananas.

You are still a good sleeper.

You love to snuggle in the morning before you have to get up and around. You are definitely a"preheater" just like your daddy.

It is impossible to get a picture of you sitting still, as you are ALWAYS on the move and very curious about everything.

You are getting a few more teeth, and it really is kicking your tail, but you will get through it.

You are like your daddy in so many ways, not only do you look like him, you love to read books, and you a very particular about the texture of your food.

You want to do everything your brother is doing, and look up to him in so many ways.

I love your adventurous side, and how you will try anything... which also scares me.

Dylan, you are growing so fast, but I love the little toddler you are becoming.


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